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February 2015…

Hi All,
so February has flown by, here is a small update on the month that was.

This month I was allocated MooseX-Types-Parameterizable as part of the CPAN Pull Request Challenge. As with last months module, I started by contacting the author by email. He quickly got back to me and over the course of the month we shared a bunch of emails discussing the state of the module and at the end of the month I eventually tried to contribute a small pull request which basically marks the module deprecated.

In $dayjob, I have been busy working on a project to merge some old CGIs into one. This has involved quite a bit of work ensuring that I did not break the functionality of the page(s) whilst I worked.
So I started early on using selenium to test the results I was receiving. This was worthwhile upfront work as it saved me a couple of times when I broke the UI. Mainly, it gave me the safety net and associated confidence to refactor some of the code.

This month I spent a little time reading up on and playing with Meteor a javascript framework. The idea being to create web apps using the same framework front and backend.
It is perhaps what you could term a MEAN stack implementation. It is rather interesting and I intend to spend some more time this month working on it as it seems to be getting some traction.

Me but less so
I've been getting good progress on the "stop being a lard arse" project. I'm doing well at maintaining my downwards trajectory. Lost a few kilos since I began; not speedy, but steady. The plus is I have been able to reward myself nicely and I think I am feeling better healthwise.

It's been a hellish month in Judo. The BJA lost the hosting of the European Championships; utter chaos as their UFC partnership blew up in their faces and cost everyone badly.

Life has been god overall. Though I have not managed to achieve everything I wanted to; I have achieved quite a lot of what I am working on.
This month I intend to finish the research on competition formatting for British Judo. I want to get that written up and shared before March is over.

On the code side, I want to make some progress on the Club management/promotion software I have had on the backburner. I also would like to get the Judoticker software working for all the Judo events I can't attend. There is also a fascinating project to try and use the Judoticker concept with Instagram.

As ever too much to do, too few hours in the day to do it.

Pebble Time
WOW! The new pebble took off like wild fire! 10 Million dollars in a day. I wish I had shares. At least I backed it and will be getting one in May I hope. I love my original Pebble, so looking forward to the colour e-ink display and all the new stuff!


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