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Dev Diary Feb 2022

On scuttlebutt quite a few people do this development diary idea, so I thought I would post one up on here.

This week, I have been pretty busy catching up on some side projects and trying to get some structure in place for some of the ones that are the dustiest.


The site has been really busy, possibly the steady flow of events meaning people have been choosing players for one event whilst results for the current one are still coming in.

This week the site had a large part of the “plumbing” changed; James moved it to Chi for our routing system. This caused one small bug, one small side effect with a difference in how we had to handle parameters on team picks. We got that fixed up and a couple of other small things.

The Discord has been busy of late and it’s causing us to want to have a bit of a hackathon on some new game modes.

Judo Kata Competition system

This got a little love this week; mainly tidy up work after having made quite a lot of progress in February generally. The next phase is to do some thorough testing and usability improvements along with styling.

At the moment the system is black text on white background. No styling or customisation. I’ll be adding in the ability to configure event details including logo and starting on the printable reports.

Judo Blogs

I’ve run lots of Judo blogs over the years and a bunch of them have deteriorated and I have not kept them up to date or posted anything recently.

So I took a few down, gave them a clean and brought them back; I posted a few short entries on a couple. I have missed writing about Judo so that was refreshing.


This is a small project that creates a ical feed (so you can subscribe to all the IJF competitions in Outlook etc). I finally got around to writing up one of the features about that; to calculate an approximate carbon footprint calculation for the IJF World Tour.

In part driven by some activities at work and on these side projects; I spent some time working on Perl tooling and wrote it up on

Perl has some excellent tools, it was good to write some of that up.


My current work involves working on a heavily used legacy system and this week has included adding a new reporting feature. So it’s been good to build something into the existing framework.

With this sort of work it’s always a challenge to fit the style of the existing code; but it does mean often that most of the components you need are already there and that was the case this week.

It was good to be able to quickly prototype the frontend; then work backwards initially cobbling the required code together, then incrementally tidying it up after confirming the frontend idea was sound.

After initially being quite untidy; it was nice to observe as the code got tidier and tidier by the end of the week.


In March, my hope is to get the Kata software near complete so it can be used in a real way. I am lucky that people are showing interest so I have some feedback to collect.

PlanetJudo needs some more work; specifically I want to work on some of the unicode handling and see about working through the backlog of things I want to sharpen.

Fantasy-Judo we hope to catchup one evening this week and then implement some ideas this month. Potentially an entire new game mode.

Should be a good month!

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