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Keeping the ball rolling

Recently, I have been trying to refresh some of my projects that have gathered dust of late. So since I wrote last I have been spending my free time writing and coding.. and rowing.

I took to rowing as running has this bad habit of me getting injured… and it’s cold outside!

I’ve recently updated my rowing machine to have a SmartRow power monitor wheel. I hate some frustration with the statistics it provides via their website. I discovered it’s mainly javaascript with a JSON API. So I have started a small open source project wrapping the API ( This has allowed me to more easily see things like the average power (watts) per row and chart that to see if I am improving. 🙂

This work has been interesting and gave me an opportunity to write up a small tale about the Dist::Zilla tool I am using to do most of the important parts of publishing a module to CPAN. It’s over on my Perl.Kiwi site at

On Tuesday evening this week I spent some time with James on mainly looking at some of the many todo items while James added some new team name options. Later in the week I received from a user some German translations so I updated those. I have a feature I hope to work on this weekend and next week.

I did a small amount of work on the Judo Kata Competition software project; mainly testing the UI and calculations.

I was also able to write up a couple of blog posts on my Judo sites. On I wrote a short piece on the kata I have been doing to help with the shoulder pain I sometimes get ( Then on JudoMetrics I was able to promote an interesting site I have been reading (

In my $dayjob, I have been busy deleting dead code and retrofitting tests. Specifically adding some coverage around a new system I have not worked on and some customer support issues have been escalated to the development team.

I’ve been pretty busy; but not too much. The balance is pretty good so I am happy with the “rolling” of the proverbial ball.

Categories: Uncategorized
