This year has been a strong Perl one for me, YAPC::EU, LPW, CPAN PRC, Scientist, Perl::Critic::Policy::Perlsecret and just this fine evening Lingua::Postcodes… and of course being lucky enough to be able to write Perl 5 days a week in my $dayjob. Lingua::Postcodes is a new module inspired in part by Lingua::EN::Inflect and […]
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
I recently attended the Europan Perl Conference, YAPC::EU. This was held in Cluj-Napoca in Romania and was a brilliant experience and I’d like to thank everyone involved in putting the event together, running it and the participants that made it such an enjoyable event for me. I was fortunate […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
As with any multi-year/multi-decade software project, we have legacy and new code. The older “legacy” code often is by our own definition “very scary”. When we visit this scary code we have developed ways and tools to make this both easier and safer. My talk will be covering the approach […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
So this week ended a 63 week project I started in January 2015. The project? To lose weight; specifically to get back to 81kg. This post is a summary of how it went, how I tackled the project and what I learnt along the way. Tl;dr: 11.5kg lost. Set goals, […]
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
So this month I was allocated Test::Simple as part of the CPAN pull request challenge. As the sneaky devil I am; I thought I’d pull a fast one on the development team I work in and suggested we have a evening event to learn about the CPAN Pull Request Challenge […]
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
I am pleased to release on the unsuspecting internet a new CPAN module: This is a Perl 5 implementation of the ideas described in the Ruby gem released by the good people at GitHub ( Scientist is a module that helps with testing of refactored code. Basically it runs two […]
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Recently I have been commuting to work via a train rather than by car. Which has been quite good in terms of me having time to work on my Judo related side projects. As I mentioned in my last post I am working on an exciting project for the Judo […]
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
A quick update I thought was in order; and this time I thought I would reflect a little bit on my $DayJob, the agile processes we employ, my role and how the company’s continued growth affects all the above. So as I think I have mentioned elsewhere, I am the […]
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
Seriously, no posts since February!! Okay, so not a lot has happened, life has continued and I have got older. My role in my $dayjob has evolved once more and the team I am the “Development Team Leader” has grown by two developers. I have dropped out of the CPAN […]
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes