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Building a “1-2-4-All” Timer in Elm.

I have been wanting to learn Elm for a while and as I mentioned in an earlier post ( I have managed on the third attempt to do so. In the previous post I built a simple toy that displayed SVG. This time I decided to build something more practical; […]

Exploring the Elm programming language.

Recently I took my third attempt at learning Elm; the first two attempts faded out after doing the “Hello World” level of experimentation. This time however I have made more progress. I tried to build something more targeted. I build first a small visualisation tool that shows progress of yachts […]


On February 1st and 2nd I attended and this post is my summary of attending the Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting in Brussels. The two day event is huge, held on a university campus it spans multiple buildings and has 8,000+ attendeees. There are 30+ rooms in […]

My media consumption (2019) edition

Back in 2017 I wrote an article on how I consumed media ( and I thought I would revisit the subject as we close in on the the end of 2019 to see what has changed. Watching: Traditional TV is completely dead to me; I can’t remembver the last time […]

Moving on from $dayjob

Those who know me or follow me, will know I have been working at the same company for the past 6 years or so; as of this month, that is no longer the case. I enjoyed so much of working at CV-Library, specifically working with some amazing people and on […]